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Sixty two percent of Americans use drugs. They probably use them for fun, or to release stress. Some people use drugs to relax and forget about things.There are also a lot of drugs that are abuse like painkillers and morphine.

Drugs can change your looks, and hurt your health.

Meth can cause acne breakouts, dull skin, and self-inflicted wounds from picking at your face and body because you think that bugs are crawling under your skin, leaving sores, and scars. Meth causes a decrease in appetite, causing you to look thin and skeletal. Meth causes dry mouth, teeth clenching, and poor dental hygiene, resulting in meth mouth – rotten teeth, gum disease, and bad breath.

Steroids can cause baldness in men and women and facial hair. Steroids can cause development of breasts in males. Steroids can cause you to stop growing – you may never reach your full adult height.

 Cocaine can lead to nosebleeds and a decreased sense of smell. Eventually it can entirely destroy the cartilage in your nose.  

Marijuana can cause breathing diseases, including a chronic cough, bronchitis, and emphysema, and lung inflammation and lung infection.

Ecstasy and meth raise your body temperature, causing dehydration, which restricts blood flow to the kidneys and may result in kidney failure.

There are some  drugs in this world that can help you stay healthy. Ibuprofen and Tylenol can help get rid of the pain you have. When you overdose on Ibuprofen, you will probably end up in a coma. If you overdose on Tylenol it can damage your liver. Finally painkillers is the most abused drug in the United States. Painkillers are addicting somehow. But some people actually use the painkillers for pain.

There are so many ways to get help. One way to get help is calling a Doctor to make an appointment. Another way to get help is to have your family help you stop smoking by them bringing you to a therapist or treatment. Last way to get help is to go online and search up ways to get help on how to stop drugs by yourself.

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